Oman Inula helenium (Asteraceae)

Oman Inula helenium (Asteraceae)



TINKTURA – OMAN HSS, hidroetanolni tečni ekstrakt sušenog korena i
MATIČNA TINKTURA – OMAN TM, hidroetanolni tečni ekstrakt svežeg korena.

Tinctura Inulae DER 1:5 (Ph. Eur.)
Inulae radicis recentis extractum ethanolicum liquidum (Helenii radix) DER 1:2 (HAB3a)

namenjeni kod problema respiratornog i gastrointestinalnog trakta, bubrega i donjeg dela urinarnog trakta.

beli oman



TINKTURA – OMAN HSS, hidroetanolni tečni ekstrakt sušenog korena i
MATIČNA TINKTURA – OMAN TM, hidroetanolni tečni ekstrakt svežeg korena.

Tinctura Inulae DER 1:5
Inulae radicis recentis extractum ethanolicum liquidum (Helenii radix) DER 1:2

namenjeni kod problema respiratornog i gastrointestinalnog trakta, bubrega i donjeg dela urinarnog trakta.


ATC: – baktericid, antihelmintik, antitumorik, fungicid, diuretik,


U skladu sa:

Eu. Ph. 8  monografijom: Inula helenium ad praeparationes homoeopathicas, method 3a,

Deutsches Homöopathisches Arzneibuch – HAB: method 3a,

Pharmacopée française: Inula helenium ad praeparationes homoeopathicas

(Grande Aunée pour préparations homéopathiques), method 3a,

EMA/HMPC/ Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products (HMPC):
European Union herbal monograph on Inula helenium L., radix

EMA/HMPC/ Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products (HMPC):
Assessment report on Inula helenium L., radix

 – ANSM (Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé. La Pharmacopée Française 11ème édition.

 a) Inula helenium,  rhizoma et radix  (Elecampane fresh, root).

Biljni preparati u tečnom obliku (nerazblaženi ili razblaženi) za lokalnu upotrebu.



a) tečni ekstrakt (DER 1:2), ekstrakcioni rastvarač etanol 65% (v/v),


Inula helenium L.  sadrži  122 *(144) istraženih hemijskih jedinjenja koja ispoljavaju 440 *(488) dejstava (*u zagradi su podaci ažurirani jula 2016).



a) minimalno 0,04% m/m inulina() (MF: C15H20O2, MW: 232,3181 g/mol−1),

b) u većoj koncentraciji sadrži inulin, seskviterpenske laktone, triterpene, stigmasterol, poliacetilene,

c) više od svih biljaka sadrži helenin (isoalantolactone),

d) koren sadrži do 78 % vode.


Indikacije: biljni preparati su namenjeni poboljšanju opšteg stanja organizma kroz razna naučno dokazana dejstva. Upotreba kod problema respiratornog i gastrointestinalnog trakta, bubrega i donjeg dela urinarnog trakta.


Dr. Džems Djuk (Dr. James Duke) u Handbook of Medicinal Herbs, 2nd Ed. (2002). CRC Press, navodi sledeće:

– ima jako dejstvo kod:

– delotvoran kod astme, bakterijskih infekcija, bronhitisa, Ca., kandidijaza, nazeba, kongestije, kašlja, dijabetesa, dijareje, dizenterije, dispepsije, fungusa, nadimanja,  HTA, hiperglikemije,  hipoglikemije,  imunodepresije, infekcija, inflamacija,  insomnije,  mikoza, nauzeje, Nervousness parazitoza, respiroza, infekcija crvima i  Staphylococcus spp., Tumora, zastoja tečnosti,

indikacije: infekcije bronhija i pluća(kašalj,traheitis,bronhitis,katar, kongestije pluća); stimulator varenja; kod hepatobilijarnih poremećaja (žutica); urinarnog trakta; pogrešno ili neadekvatno правила; čirevi, ulceri; parazitoze, dermetik, kozmetik.poboljšanje opšteg stanja; povećava apetit; antikancerogenik.

– u narodnoj medicini kod: amenoreje, artroza, kardiopatije, katara, kolere, kolika, konstipacija, grčeva, dermatoza, hidropsije, dismenoreje, disurije, emfizema, enteroza, erizipela, egzantema, groznice, gastritisa, peska u bešici, glavobolje, hemoroida, hepatitisa, žutice, nefritisa, otitisa, pertusisa, plethora, pulmonoza, reumatizma, scabiesa, side Ache, litijaza, sifiilisa,  zubobolje,  traheitisa, Tu., ulceracija,  UTI, VD, povreda kože.

– spoljašnja primena kod: gljivičnih infgekcija, povreda kože, egzantema, erizipela

– upotrebljava se kao: anthelmintik, antibakterik, antiinflamatik, antiseptik,  antitumorik,  antitusik, holagog i holeretik, dekongestant, demulcent,  diuretik,  ekspektorant, fungicid, hiperglikemik, hipoglikemik, hipotenziv, imunostimulant, iritant, miorelaksant, paralitik, paraziticid, sedativ, trombogenik, tonik, vermifug, respiratorni antispazmodik, baktericid, antivirotik.

U tradicionalnoj medicini kao alternativ, antidot, aperitiv, kardiotonik, karminativ,  dijaforetik, digestiv, emenagog, laksativ,  mukoiritant, stomahik

Monografija nemačke E komisije (Commission E Monographs), terapijski vodič za biljne lekove, preporučuje Inula helenium, za tretman tegoba respiratornog i gastrointestinalnog trakta, bubrega i donjeg dela urinarnog trakta.

Doziranje i način primene:

do 2 mL (80 kapi) podeljeno u 2 do 4 doze.

Biljni preparat OMAN HSS i TM:

pojedinačna doza: 0,5-1 mL, preporučena dnevna doza (PDD): 2 mL.

Lokalna primena.

Upotreba na koži: aplicirati na obolelo mesto u tankom sloju ili obliku impregniranog zavoja.

Napraviti pauzu posle 4 nedelje neprekidne upotrebe.

Kontraindikacije: preosetljivost na aktivne supstance, preosetljivost na biljke porodice (genus Inula, family Asteraceae).

Ne preporučuje se tokom trudnoće (izaziva kontrakcije materice) i dojenja. Pažljiva upotreba kod dijabetičara i osoba sa srčanim problemima. U preporučenim dozama oman je bezbedna biljka, u prevelikim dozama, deset puta i višim može izazvati kontaktni dermatitis, grčeve, proliv i povraćanje, simptome paralize.

Interakcije: nisu poznate, mada postoji mogućnost interakcije sa antihipertenzivima i hipoglikemicima.

Čuvanje: na tamnom, suvom i hladnom mestu do 20˚C, van domašaja dece i izlaganja EM zračenju, u dobro zatvorenoj originalnoj ambalaži.

 Rok upotrebe: 5 godina, posle prvog otvaranja 6 meseci.Uz preporučene mere čuvanja, rok upotrebe je neograničen.

 Pakovanje: 50 mL i 100 mL, standardne farmaceutske braon bočice; 250 mL, 500 mL, 1L i 5 L na zahtev.


Nutritivne informacije, OMAN HSS i TM:

energetska vrednost u 100 mL: 1504 kJ/ 360 kcal,
u preporučenoj dnevnoj dozi (PDD) 2 mL: 30kJ/ 7,17 kcal,
suve materije (DR) više od 1,5% (Fr. Ph.).

Bez konzervanasa, proteina, masti i ugljenih hidrata. OMAN HSS i TM su rukom rađeni proizvodi. 


50 mL – 500 RSD; 100 mL – 1000 RSD;  HSS, TINKTURA DER 1:5, Ph. Eur. (na zahtev, nema na stanju),,

 50 mL – 600,00 RSD (5e); 100 mL – 1200,00 RSD (10 e) TM, HIDROETANOLNI TEČNI EKSTRAKT SVEŽEG KORENA, DER 1:2.

Prvi put postavljeno 29. januara 2016. godine, poslednji put ažurirano 16. novembra 2020. godine.

Upotreba omana (Inula helenium L.) sa referencama.

 Inula helenium (Asteraceae) Common name: Elecampane How used GRAS

Activities: 488  Chemicals w/Activities: 63 All Chemicals: 144

Activity: pesticide, antiinflammatory, Cancer-preventive, hypocholesterolemic, antioxidant, antibacterial, antiarthritic, hypoglycemic, antidiabetic, antiosteoporotic, hypotensive, cardioprotective, immunostimulant, antispasmodic, allergenic, antimutagenic, antiseptic,  antitumor, fungicide, antifeedant, cytotoxic, antiasthmatic, analgesic, vasodilator, antiulcer, anxiolytic, anticataract, diuretic, antisyndrome-X, antirheumatic, antiatherosclerotic, antiviral, immunomodulator, antidepressant, antiedemic, antiallergic, antifatigue, antiPMS, antihypertensive, antitumor (lung), apoptotic, antimaculitic, aldose-reductase-Inhibitor, antiacne, antimenopausal, antihepatotoxic, anticlimacteric, antiLyme, antitumor (breast), antiproliferant, antialzheimeran, antiaging, anthelmintic, antiradicular, antiarrhythmic, antiangiogenic, antiobesity, antistress, Insulinogenic, antiaggregant, hepatoprotective, anticoronary, antimaculitic, aldose-reductase-Inhibitor, antiRaynaud’s, choleretic, Ubiquiot, antimetastatic, antiparkinsonian, laxative, antianemic, antihangover, antidote (lead), NF-kB-Inhibitor, antinociceptive, antileukemic, antifibrotic, antidementia, antiCrohn’s, antimetastatic, antianemic, antihangover, Laxative, antidote (Lead), antinociceptive, antileukemic, antidementia, NF-kB-Inhibitor, antifibrotic, antiCrohn’s, antiHIV, allelochemic, antiCFS, antialcoholic, insectifuge, antiperiodontitic, anticonvulsant, herbicide, … ukupno 488.


Wichtl, M. 1984. Teedrogen. Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker und Arzte. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellscharft. mbH Stuttgart. 393 pp.

Challem, J., Berkson, Burt, and Smith, Melissa Dianne. 2000. Syndrome X – The complete nutritional program to prevent and reservse insulin resistance. John Wiley & Sons, New York. 272 pp. $24.95

Bisset, N.G., ed. 1994. Herbal Drugs and Phytopharmaceuticals. CRC Press. Boca Raton, FL. 566 pp.

Davies, S., and Stewart, A. 1990. Nutritional Medicine. Avon Books, New York. 509pp.

Life Sciences 55: 1061.

Ichikawa, K., et al. 1991. Isolation and Structure Determination of Aldose Reductase Inhibitors from Traditional Thai Medicine, and Syntheses of Their Derivatives. Sankyo Kenkyusho Nempo, 43: 99-110.

Bisset, N.G., ed. 1994. Herbal Drugs and Phytopharmaceuticals. CRC Press. Boca Raton, FL. 566 pp.

Pizzorno, J.E. and Murray, M.T. 1985. A Textbook of Natural Medicine. John Bastyr College Publications, Seattle, Washington (Looseleaf).

Martindale’s 28th

Martindale’s 29th

Werbach, M. 1993. Healing with Food. Harper Collins, New York, 443 pp.

Abid Ali Khan, M.M., Jain, D.C., Bhakuni, R.S., Zaim, M., and Thakur, R.S. 1991. Occurrence of some antiviral sterols in Artemisia annua. Plant Science, 75: 161-165, 1991.

Stitt, P. A. Why George Should Eat Broccoli. Dougherty Co, Milwaukee, WI, 1990, 399 pp.

Economic & Medicinal Plant Research, 6: 165

Economic & Medicinal Plant Research, 6: 235.

Economic & Medicinal Plant Research, 5: 333.

Jeffery B. Harborne and H. Baxter, eds. 1983. Phytochemical Dictionary. A Handbook of Bioactive Compounds from Plants. Taylor & Frost, London. 791 pp.

Lydon, J. & Duke, S., The potential of pesticides from plants, pp. 1-41 in Craker, L. & Simon, J., eds, Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants: Recent Advances in Botany, Horticulture, & Pharmacology, v. 4, Oryx Press, Phoenix, 1989, 267pp.

Jacobson, M., Glossary of Plant-Derived Insect Deterrents, CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, FL, 213 p, 1990.

Werbach, M. 1993. Healing with Food. Harper Collins, New York, 443 pp.

Facciola, S. 1998. Cornucopia – A Source Book of Edible Plants. Kampong Publications, Vista CA. 713 pp.

Abstract (See species file)

Data by National Agricultural Library


INULA helenium Urtinktur DHU-Arzneimittel GmbH & Co. KG 



0.25 tsp powdered root/cup water;

2–4 g powdered root;

1–2 tbsp fresh root;

2–3 g dry root;

3 g dry root:20 ml alcohol/10 ml water;

0.5–2 g root, several ×/day;

1.5–4 g root as tea 3 ×/day;

1.5–4 ml liquid root extract (1:1 in 25% ethanol) 3 ×/day;

300 mg (50–200 for children) alantolactone for 2 courses of 5 days with an interval of 10 days;

1 tsp (6 g) in cold or hot tea;

20-to 40-drop tincture for cholera;

1 g in tea/day;

2–4 ml liquid extract.

X  X  X  X  X

Traditional use

STRONG diuretic, stomachic, vermifuge, antiseptic, expectorant, pertussis, tonic, alterative, apertif, asthma, bronchitis, carminative, cholagogue, cough, deobstruent, diaphoretic, discutient, hemoptysis, laxative, leukemia, lung, sclerosis, skin, sudorific, tea, tumor(lung), vulnerary, wen


Font Query, P. 1979. Plantas Medicinales el Dioscorides Renovado. Editorial Labor, S.A. Barcelona. 5th Ed.

Shih-chen, Li. 1973. Chinese medinal herbs. Georgetown Press, San Francisco.

Hartwell, J.L. 1967-71. Plants used against cancer. A survey. Lloydia 30-34.

Uphof, J.C. Th. 1968. Dictionary of economic plants. 2nd ed. Verlag von J. Cramer.

Steinmetz, E.F. 1957. codex Vegetabilis. Published by the author, Amsterdam.

Keys, J.D. 1976. Chinese Herbs. Charles E. Tuttle Co., Tokyo.

Leung, Albert Y. 1980. Encyclopedia of common natural ingredients. John Wiley and Sons, N.Y.

Yey, S.D.J. 1973. Anticancer Chinese Herbal Medicines. Maerican Journal of Chinese Medicine 1(2): 271-274.

ANON. 1978. List of Plants. Kyoto Herbal Garden, Parmacognostic Research Lab., Central Research Division, Takeda Chem. Industries, Ltd., Ichijoji, Sakyoku, Kyoto, Japan.

Data by National Agricultural Library *(ažurirano jula 2016.)

Inula helenium (Asteraceae) Elecampane root 

Ancient Greeks and Romans considered Inula helenium (Asteraceae),  Elecampane root as a cure-all for a broad range of ailments. It was considered to be a useful herbal remedy for dropsy, menstrual disorders, digestive upsets, and sciatica. A distinguished Western herbal energy tonic that affects the spleen, lungs, and heart. Inula helenium (Asteraceae) is used for decreasing the level of cholesterol, to purify the blood and for preventing the forming of ulcers. Inula helenium (Asteraceae) was used as an herbal cold remedy and is believed to promote sweating and bring up phlegm. Herbalists today still rely on Inula helenium (Asteraceae) to relieve bronchitis, asthma, emphysema and whooping coughs. It has been beneficial to all pulmonary and catarrhal affections. Inula helenium (Asteraceae) is an exceptionally rich source of inulin, a polysaccharide, that is sometimes used as a sugar substitute for diabetics. This herb is the richest source of insulin. Inula helenium (Asteraceae) also has a long history in veterinary medicine as an effective remedy for skin disease and has been found to be beneficial in the treatment of psoriasis and eczema. The extracts from the herb kill methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Externally, it has been used for scabies, herpes and other diseases of the skin. It is a traditional remedy for intestinal worms, such as roundworm, threadworm, hookworm and whipworm infestation. Inula helenium (Asteraceae) may also be helpful for patients with cardiovascular disease to ease the stress on the heart caused by shortness of breath, and by providing better pain relief than nitroglycerin in some people with the disease. It has been found to relieve all kinds of pain, especially those that arise from chills and animal bites. Inula helenium (Asteraceae) has a mild sedative effect and has been found to be helpful in promoting sleep and relaxation. This extract has been shown to have a direct effect on moods and can assist with negative feelings and depression, also it relieves stress and tension headaches. Due to its diuretic effects, Inula helenium (Asteraceae) detoxifies the body and relieves rheumatism. It can nourish hair and nails by providing them with oxygen.
Today, Inula helenium (Asteraceae) tinctures are used primarily for respiratory ailments and regular intake of this herbal tincture can relieve symptoms of colds, asthma, and chronic bronchitis. Inula magnifica is particularly beneficial in the treatment of bronchitis in the elderly and congestive complaints in children. It is a relaxant that is indicated when there is a nervous component in a cough. Elecampane root extract is used with Echinacea for tuberculosis, emphysema, pleurisy and whooping cough. Elecampane’s antibacterial properties have been known to kill ordinary bacterial organisms, also being particularly destructive to the tubercle bacillus. A rich source of inulin, it is used to relax the lungs. Volatile oils in the root provide expectorant, anti-inflammatory and warming properties that help break up congestion and calms coughs.
Inula helenium (Asteraceae) contains all the minerals and vitamins that the body needs to strengthen its immune system. Japanese scientists have recently discovered the Elecampane extract can help fight free radicals from elements that include environmental pollution and stress. Internally, it is known for stimulating the process of dissolving fat and detoxifying the body. In the investigation of components of Ginger root and Elecampane root extracts, it was found to have antiproliferative properties which may be beneficial to prevent constipation-related cancer. The effects of the extract have been shown to have a highly selective toxicity toward four different tumor cell lines.
Inula helenium (Asteraceae) root extract provides many benefits to the gastrointestinal system by treating the irritations of mouth tissues, intestinal tissues, and stomach tissues. Studies done on this herb have shown two other active ingredients that are useful in expelling parasites, including worms from the intestines. This research also the traditional use for healthy digestion. The rich amounts of inulin present in the herb help to lower blood sugar levels and may be beneficial for diabetics. The inulin helps to stabilize the blood sugars and improve absorption of nutrients from food. Inula helenium (Asteraceae) also helps to promote „good“ intestinal bacteria, which ensures regular bowel movements. It boosts and protects this beneficial bacterial growth in the colon and suppresses harmful bacteria growth, and so may be helpful in the prevention of colon cancer. The plant’s bitter tonic properties can stimulate the appetite and useful in the treatment of debilitating conditions. With Elecampane’s ability to improve digestion, you can rest assured that your cells are getting all the energy they need. Inula helenium (Asteraceae) is a liver stimulant and is called a „chologogue,“ an herb that stimulates the flow of bile from the liver into the intestines, which is very useful for hepatic ailments, further helping digestive disorders.
Inula helenium (Asteraceae) is a powerful diaphoretic and increases perspiration profusely, helping to reduce fevers and cleanse toxins from the body through the skin. Inula helenium (Asteraceae) is also a diuretic that has been used to help people whose urine has stopped or who have difficulty urinating. It is also thought to reduce water retention and may be helpful in the treatment of edema.
The superbug, MRSA, the bacterium that is the root cause of many infections, Horse-heal, or Elecampane root, has been found by researchers to be 100% effective against MRSA colonies. As a topical remedy for skin, Elecampane root tinctures have anti-inflammatory properties that help to relieve rashes, eczema, psoriasis and other types of skin inflammation. The alantolactone in the roots appears to be responsible for its healing benefits. You can easily prepare a wash using the liquid extract of Elecampane root. It has also been used for the treatment of scabies, herpes and other skin diseases, from which it received its common name of Scabwort. It has been used in cosmetics to help heal the marks left by acne and also for washing hair, as it relieves all irritations, including itchiness and irritation.
Inula helenium (Asteraceae) promotes the menstrual flow and is beneficial in the treatment of anemia. It is an effective herbal remedy for alleviating the unpleasant effects of menopause. This is due to the high quality of minerals that it contains, which enables it to feed the blood as well as treat back pains. The herb is effective in calming stressful moods by inducing a state of tranquility and relaxation, followed by sleep, as well as it relieves tension headaches and stress.
New developments in research have claimed that Inula helenium (Asteraceae) may be of great help in cases of congestive heart failure. In clinical studies, the herb was said to relieve shortness of breath caused by exertion and may (in the correct dosage) provide more pain relief than nitroglycerin.

Ingredients: Elecampane Root, Structured Water, 96% Alcohol.

Non-Alcohol: Elecampane Root, Structured Water, and Vegetable Glycerin.

Instructions: Use 10-20 drops in juice, water, under the tongue, or as desired. May be taken 2-4 times daily. Shake well. Store in cool, dark place. Keep out of reach of children.

Contraindications: Pregnant or nursing women should not use Elecampane. Those who suffer from allergies to members of the daisy family (ragweed, asters, sunflowers, etc.) should consult a doctor before using this product. Diabetics should not use Inula helenium (Asteraceae) without consulting a physician, and overuse (more than recommended dosage) may cause vomiting, diarrhea or an unusual heartbeat.

Disclaimer: The information presented herein by Herbal Alchemy is intended for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own healthcare provider

Oman /Inula helenium L./ je višegodišnja zeljasta biljka sa debelim i kratkim korenom, od kojeg se širi veliki broj manjih korena. Stabiljka joj je uspravna i naborana, prekriveno gustim dlačicama, slabo razgranata. Listovi omana su krupni, neravnomerno izrezbareni. Odozgo su naborani, a odozdo su prekriveni gustim dlačicama.

Cvasti mogu dostići prečnik do 8 cm, ima ih po nekoliko na vrhu stabiljke i sporednim grančicama. Cvetovi na krajevima su jezičasti, u sredini su u obliku trube, a svi imaju zlatno-žutu boju. Seme je braon sa dugim omotačem. Cveta od jula do septembra.

Oman raste na vlažnim mestima, kraj potoka i reka. Uglavnom je najviše rasprostranjen oko Dunava, do 1000 m nadmorske visine. Takođe, može se sresti i u jugoistočnom delu Evrope.
U lekovite svrhe se koristi korenje ove biljke, koje se vadi u proleće /u martu/ ili kasnije u jesen /oktobar – novembar/.

Gajenje omana
Preporučljivo je da se oman gaji na zemljištu, koje je najsličnije zemljištu gde on raste kao samonikla biljka. Važan uslov za usešno gajenje ove biljke jeste da se pre svega obezbedi dovoljna vlažnost zemljišta, jer oman voli vlažna mesta kraj reka i potoka.

Listovi omana
Oman se razmnožava putem prethodno primpremljenog rasada, jer ne bi trebalo da se bere na njegovom prirodnom mestu staništa /spada u zaštićene vrste/. Iz istog razloga ne bi trebalo da se sakuplja i njegovo seme.

Ova biljka cveta u drugoj godini, a tokom prve godine života samo obrazuje listove. Oman se suši tako što se biljka rasporedi svuda, obrazujući tanak sloj. Suši se u prostorijama gde je strujanje vazduha veliko, ali se čuva odvojeno od drugih biljaka, jer lako širi miris, koji druge biljke upijaju.

Sastav omana
Oman sadrži oko 45% inulina, eterično ulje, sekviterpenske laktone /izoalantlakton i alantolakton/, triterpene /fridelin, damaradienol/.

Koristi od omana
Eterično ulje koje se nalazi u omanu, a čija je količina do 3%, umnogome određuje terapeutska antiupalna svojstva omana. Veoma dobro su ispitanja dejstva ove biljke na krupne domaće životinje.

Pokazalo se da oman ima veoma izraženo dejstvo protiv dijareje kada je u pitanju enterokolitis. Oman ima dobro antiupalno dejstvo zahvaljujući sadržaju eteričnog ulja u njemu. Ispitano je i dejstvo ove biljke na tromboplastične funkcije krvi i na vreme krvarenja.

Biljka oman
Oman se koristi i u lečenju bolesti pluća, gde je njegov antiupalni efekat veoma izražen, zajedno sa moći da pomaže u eliminisanju sekreta iu pluća.
Ova biljka deluje sekretolitično, dobra je protiv kašljanja kod hroničnog i jakog bronhitisa, teškog kašlja, kao i astme. Eterično ulje omana tonizira varenje, poboljšava apetit, smanjuje želudačnu sekreciju i u isto vreme podstiče proizvodnju žuči. Ova biljka reguliše neredovne i bolne menstruacije. Deluje i kao diuretik.

Oman odlično deluje i protiv glista. Alantolakton u ovoj biljci je veoma moćan protiv glista i, prema neki ispitivanjima, ima 23 puta jače dejstvo od santonina, koji se smatra klasičnim sredstvom za eliminisanje glista. Druga ispitivanja pokazuju da oman dobro deluje i kod skupljanja kapilara.

Narodna medicina i oman
Narodna medicina preporučuje da oman u obliku vina koriste osobe, koje su izmorene od duge bolesti. U ovakvom obliku je oman efikasno sredstvo za jačanje organizma i poboljšanje apetita.
Da se napravi vino od omana, potrebno je da se sitno isekano korenje ove biljke pomeša sa crnim vinom, a da njihov odnos bude 1:10. Vino od omana se uspešno koristi kod urtikarijalnih osipa kože, a takođe i kod krasti.
Čaj od korenja omana se koristi kod iritirajućeg kašlja, astme, bronhitisa, problema sa gornjim disajnim putevima, a takođe i kao pomoćno sredstvo za bolje varenje.
Čaj od cvetova biljke se koristi kod mučnina, kašlja, radi iskašljavanja sekreta, kao i kod povraćanja. Kada se kombinuje sa sladićem, on ublažava nadutost stomaka, gasove, kao i povraćanje sluzi.
Ispiranja omanom ili razređena tinktura se koristi kod raznih neuralagija; za fleke i bubuljice na licu; svraba i hemoroida; bolova u zglobovima i osipa, išijasa i gnojavih rana, kod proširenih vena i čireva.

Elecampane root (Helenii radix) Published May 5, 1988.

List of German Commission E Monographs (Phytotherapy)

Inula helenium  Bundesanzeiger Nr. 22 a vom 3.2.1988

Monographie BGA/BfArM (Kommission D)



Pakovanje mL/ g:
 10 20 30 50 100 250 500 1000

1 2 3 više 
