Anđelika Angelica archangelica (Apiaceae)
Anđelika (Angelica archangelica L.)
Angelica Root,
is also known as masterwort, wild parsnip, dang gui, and wild celery. It has been used for thousands of years to strengthen the heart, liver, kidneys, spleen and lungs. This plant extract is an excellent herbal tonic for the blood and circulation.
Angelica archangelica, is widely used as a flavoring or scent, but has been used extensively in Folk medicine useful for conditions of heartburn, intestinal gas, or flatulence, loss of appetite, circulation problems, nervousness, and insomnia. Angelica herbal supplement is an excellent herbal remedy that is believed to work effectively to combat infection. Angelica root has been used as an expectorant for respiratory problems such as asthma, bronchitis, coughs, and pleurisy, especially when accompanied by colds, fever or flu. Some women use Angelica root tinctures to help with scanty or delayed menstruation. Angelica root, aka Dang gui, is also used to increase urine production, improve sex drive, and to kill germs. Some people use the herb directly on the skin for nerve pain, or neuralgia, joint pain, rheumatism and skin disorders. In combination with other herbs, such as Saw Palmetto and Pygeum Bark, may be helpful for treating premature ejaculation, PE.
Angelica root tinctures have been used as a remedy for disease of the urinary organs, and as a tonic to restore vigor and vitality after sickness. Angelica extract is used to stimulate the kidneys, easing stoppage of urination, and used traditionally for curing urinary tract infections, and to improve blood flow of different parts of the body. Angelica root extract may also be used for premature ejaculation, by increasing the threshold of vibrations and senses received by the penis. Chinese medicine combines Angelica Root with other herbs to increase its potency, such as Astragalus, to treat exhaustion after childbirth.
In Western medicine, it is often used for relief of migraines and headache pain, because of its analgesic properties. The herbal remedies include this herb in formulations in the treatment of menstrual cramps, or PMS, sciatica, arthritis like pain, nerve pain and rheumatism. Its natural pain relieving properties make it a remarkable remedy for renal calculi, gout, and for reducing high-protein edemas, such as swelling of the lymph nodes (lymph edema). It is also used for treating psoriasis accompanying arthritis.
Angelica contains a variety of chemicals including angelic acid, angelicin, scopeletin, linleic acid, ferullic acid, safrole, and valeric acid. These constituents make Angelica root useful for a variety of conditions, including athlete’s foot, as well as being an antibacterial action, preventing the growth of various bacteria. It has been used in a medicinal poultice for broken bones, swellings, itching, and painful cuts and sores. It has other benefits as well, such as providing clearer skin and preventing acne.
Angelica root contains good amount of vitamin B-12, zinc, thiamin, sucrose, potassium, magnesium, iron, fructose, glucose, riboflavin, and many other trace minerals. It is known as in Chinese medicine as Dang Gui, and as the female version of Ginseng. It is very popular there for improving menstrual health in women who have difficulties from excessive flow or bring on their menstrual flow. It can also be used with Ginger root tincture recover faster after childbirth. Combined with Osha root and Peony, it is considered to be a Blood Builder, and with Black Walnut tincture, relief for chronic constipation from unbalance Qi and blood levels. For exhaustion and to prevent diarrhea, it is used with Astragalus root tincture. For upset stomach, including acid reflux, cramping, nausea, and vomiting, the herb has been used with Peppermint Leaf, Mustard Seed, Chamomile Leaf, Caraway Seed, Milk Thistle seed, Celandine and Lemon Balm. Angelica’s medicinal properties are believed improve blood circulation by strengthening the heart, which is beneficial for chilblains, cold feet and hands, and fibromyalgia.
People have reported they have lost their taste for alcohol when they took 5 drops 3 times a day of this herbal tincture. This herb is also good for the treatment of narcotic addictions, and as an herbal hangover remedy, after excessive consumption. It has been used in a gargle for sore throat and tonsil pain.
Ingredients: Angelica Root, Structured Water, 51% Alcohol.
Non-Alcohol: Angelica Root, Structured Water, and Vegetable Glycerin.
All of our ingredients are Certified Organic, Kosher, or Responsibly Wildcrafted. No genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) are involved. All other products that are distributed by us meet our high quality standards.
Instructions: Use 5 – 20 drops in juice or water, or under the tongue. May be taken 2 – 4 times daily. Shake well. Store in cool dark place. Keep out of reach of children.
Contraindications: Angelica Root Herbal Supplement should not be used by pregnant or lactating women. Diabetics should not use this herb as it causes an increase in urinal sugars. People taking high blood pressure medication or those taking anticoagulants should avoid this herb. Angelica may increase photosensitivity in sunlight.
Disclaimer: The information presented herein by Herbal Alchemy is intended for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.
Medicinal Properties Stimulates appetite, carminative, expectorant, diaphoretic, emmenagogue, diuretic
Angelica is a good herbal tea to take for colic, gas, indigestion, hepatitis, and heartburn. It is useful to add in remedies for afflictions of the respiratory system, as well as liver problems and digestive difficulties. Promotes circulation and energy in the body. It is often used to stimulate the circulation in the pelvic region and to stimulate suppressed menstruation. Angelica should not be used by pregnant women or diabetics.
RELIGIOUS: Grow it in your garden as a protection for garden and home. The root is often used as a protective amulet, and has been used to banish evil by burning the leaves. It is also used to lengthen life, and is used in protection against diseases, as well as to ward off evil spirits.
Adding it to a ritual bath will break spells and hexes. It has often been used to ward off evil spirits in the home.
GROWING: Angelica needs rich, moist garden soil in partial shade. It prefers wet bottomlands and swamps, and prefers the cooler northern regions to grow best. It is a perennial that can reach up to 6 feet tall.
Biochemical Information Essential oil with phellandrene, angelica acid, coumarin compounds, bitter principle and tannins
Uses An infusion of dried root can be used as a remedy for coughs and colds, to dispel gas and to soothe intestinal cramps. Also used to stimulate kidneys. The wash is used to relieve rheumatism and neuralgia. Used as a blood tonic. Eases stoppage of urination, good for suppressed menstruation, and helps expel the afterbirth. Good for sluggish liver and spleen. A tea made of angelica, dropped into old ulcers (external) will cleanse and heal them. Good for cold, colic, flu, cough, asthma, bronchitis, menstrual cramps, pleurisy, anemia, rheumatism, and fever.
This herb is excellent in diseases of the lungs, gout, stomach troubles, heartburn, colic, lack of appetite, dyspepsia and stomach upsets, gastrointestinal pain, gas, sciatica, and the heart. It is useful for skin lice, relieves itching, swelling, and pain. Regular users of Angelica root develop a distaste for alcoholic beverages. Chewing the root is recommended for people suffering from a hangover after excessive alcohol consumption. An infusion should be made from the leaves and chopped stems. This will also provide an excellent gargle for the treatment of sore tonsils, and throats. Angelica raw stalks are delicious when eaten with a little cream cheese, and the washed roots are also quite tasty. This plant is used to flavor many alcoholic drinks and its candied stem has long been used in confectionery.
The roots and fruits yield angelica oil, which is used in perfume, confectionery, medicine (especially Asian medicine), in salads, as teas, as a flavoring for liqueurs, and as the source of yellow dye. This robust and sweet-tasting plant is best known for decoration of cakes and puddings. Angelica lessens the need for sweetener when making pies or sauces. It can also be cooked and eaten as a fresh herb, used for seasoning fish, or made into syrup for pudding and ice cream toppings. The Norwegians make a bread of the roots. In the Lapland region, the stalks are regarded as a delicacy. A popular tea, tasting much like China tea, is infused from fresh or dried leaves.
Warning Do Not take angelica if you are pregnant or have severe diabetes. Angelica has a tendency to increase the sugar in the urine.
Angelica archangelica has been identified as a suspected carcinogen in recent years. This drug will render you sensitive to light. Use of angelica for a fairly long time, will cause contraindicate ultraviolet or tanning salon treatments as well as strong sunlight for the duration.
Large doses can affect blood pressure, heart action, and respiration. To avoid these problems, do not exceed recommended dose.
Please Note: Angelica belongs to the Apiaceae Umbelliferae, a family with many poisonous members that can be mistaken for this medicinal plant. Wild angelica (Angelica Sylvestris) can be confused with European water hemlock, which is poisonous. Do Not collect angelica yourself under any circumstances! It is recommended that angelica not be harvested unless positively identified by a trained botanist, habitat being the same as for the poisonous varieties.
What is it used for?
Traditional/Ethnobotanical uses
Angelica has been cultivated as a medicinal and flavoring plant in Scandinavian countries since the 12th century and in England since the 16th century. Angelica formerly was used as a sedative. The roots and seeds are used to distill a volatile oil used in perfumery and as a flavoring for gin and other alcoholic beverages. The candied leaves and stems are used to decorate cakes.
GI conditions/Anti-inflammatory The oil has been used medicinally to stimulate gastric secretion, and to treat flatulence. Topically, it is used to treat rheumatic and skin disorders. Research reveals there are no clinical data for the use of angelica for any medical condition.
What is the recommended dosage? Angelica root typically is given at doses of 3 to 6 g/day of the crude root.
How safe is it?
Contraindications The leaf and seed of angelica are unapproved.
Side Effects Furanocoumarins in the plant may cause photodermatitis.
Angelica. Review of Natural Products. factsandcomparisons4.0 [online]. 2004. Available from Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Accessed April 16, 2007.
Copyright © 2009 Wolters Kluwer Health
Scientific Name(s): Angelica archangelica L., synonymous with Archangelica officinalis Hoffm. Family: Apiaceae (carrots)
Common Name(s): European angelica , Echt engelwurz (German)
Often used as a flavoring or scent, angelica has been used medicinally to stimulate gastric secretion, treat flatulence, and topically treat rheumatic and skin disorders; however, there is little documentation to support these uses.
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Dosing Angelica root typically is given at doses of 3 to 6 g/day of the crude root.
Contraindications The leaf and seed of angelica are unapproved.
Pregnancy/Lactation Documented adverse effects. Emmenagogue effects. Avoid use.
Interactions Avoid using angelica root concurrently with warfarin.
Adverse Reactions Furanocoumarins in the plant may cause photodermatitis.
Toxicology Poisoning has been reported with high doses of angelica oils.
Botany Angelica is a widely cultivated, aromatic biennial, northern European herb with fleshy, spindle-shaped roots, an erect stalk, and many greenish-yellow flowers arranged in an umbel. The seeds are oblong and off-white. It is similar to and sometimes confused with the extremely toxic water hemlock, Cicuta maculata .
There are several recognized varieties of A. archangelica , wild and cultivated. In the US, A. atropurpurea L. often is cultivated in place of the European species.
History Angelica has been cultivated as a medicinal and flavoring plant in Scandinavian countries since the 12th century and in England since the 16th century. The roots and seeds are used to distill about 1% of a volatile oil used in perfumery and as a flavoring for gin and other alcoholic beverages. The candied leaves and stems are used to decorate cakes. The oil has been used medicinally to stimulate gastric secretion, treat flatulence, and topically treat rheumatic and skin disorders.
Chemistry The volatile oil contains many monoterpenes; β-phellandrene is the principal component of var. angelica , while sabinene is the most abundant monoterpene of var. sativa . 1 Sesquiterpenes also are numerous in the oil; α-copaene and other tricyclic sesquiterpenes are characteristic constituents. 2 Supercritical fluid extraction has been studied as an alternative method of extracting angelica volatiles. 3 The shelf life of the root is limited because of the loss of the volatile oil while in storage.
The small organic acid, angelic acid, was the first compound purified from the root in 1842. 4 15-pentadecanolide ( Exaltolide ) is a fatty acid lactone constituent of the root with a musk-like odor, used as a fixative in perfumes. 5
As with most of the many species of angelica, A. archangelica contains a wide variety of coumarins and their glycosides. The angular furanocoumarins, archangelicin 6 and angelicin, 7 and congeners 8 are present in the roots, and many glycosides and esters of linear furanocoumarins also have been reported.
A trisaccharide, umbelliferose, originally was isolated from angelica roots. 9
Uses and Pharmacology Angelica has been used medicinally to stimulate gastric secretion, treat flatulence, and topically treat rheumatic and skin disorders.
Sedation Angelic acid was formerly used as a sedative. The angular furanocoumarin angelicin also has been reported to have sedative properties, although recent experimental evidence of this is limited. The carminative action of the volatile oil is because of an unremarkable monoterpene content.
Animal data Research reveals no animal data regarding the use of angelica for sedation.
Clinical data Research reveals no clinical data regarding the use of angelica for sedation.
Other uses Angelica root oil was preferentially relaxant on tracheal smooth muscle preparations compared with ileal muscle. 10 The oil had no effect on skeletal muscle in a second study. 11 The calcium-blocking activity of angelica root has been examined relative to solvent used in extraction, and furanocoumarins were identified as the likely active species. 12 The root oil has been found to have antifungal and antibacterial activity. 13
Dosage Angelica root typically is given at doses of 3 to 6 g/day of the crude root. 14
Pregnancy/Lactation Documented adverse effects. Emmenagogue effects. Avoid use. 15
Interactions Theoretically, there is a possible increased risk of bleeding when using angelica root concurrently with warfarin. The additive or synergistic effects of coumarin or coumarin derivatives possibly may be present in angelica root. 16 , 17 Because warfarin has a narrow therapeutic index, it would be prudent to avoid concurrent use.
Adverse Reactions The linear furanocoumarins are well-known dermal photosensitizers, while the angular furanocoumarins are less toxic. 18 The presence of linear furanocoumarins in the root indicates that the plant parts should be used with caution if exposure to sunlight is expected. The coumarins are not important constituents of the oil, which, therefore, gives the oil a greater margin of safety in that respect.
Toxicology Poisoning has been recorded with high doses of angelica oils.
- Kerrola K, et al. Characterization of volatile composition and odor of Angelica ( Angelica archangelica subsp. archangelica L.) root extracts. J Agric Food Chem . 1994;42:1979-1985.
- Jacobson M, et al. Optical isomers of α-copaene derived from several plant sources. J Agric Food Chem . 1987;35:798-800.
- Kerrola K, et al. Extraction of volatile compounds of Angelica ( Angelica archangelica L.) root by liquid carbon dioxide. J Agric Food Chem . 1994;42:2235-2245.
- Buchner L. Justus Liebigs Ann Chem . 1842;42:226.
- Stanchev S, et al. A short synthesis of 15-pentadecanolide. Tetrahedron Lett . 1993;34:6107-6108.
- Nielsen B, et al. The structure of archangelicin, a coumarin from Angelica archangelica L. subsp. litoralis Thell. Acta Chem Scand . 1964;18:932-936.
- Corcilius F. Isolation of a new coumarin. Arch Pharm 1956;289:81-86.
- Härmälä P, et al. A furanocoumarin from Angelica archangelica . Planta Med . 1992;58:287-289.
- Wikström A, et al. La structure d’un isomère du raffinose isolé des racines de l’ Angélica archangélica L. subsp. norvégica (Rupr.) Nordh. Acta Chem Scand . 1956;10:1199-1207.
- Reiter M, et al. Relaxant effects on tracheal and ileal smooth muscles of the guinea pig. Arzneimittelforschung . 1985;35:408-414.
- Lis-Balchin M, et al. A preliminary study of the effect of essential oils on skeletal and smooth muscle in vitro. J Ethnopharmacol . 1997;58:183-187.
- Härmälä P, et al. Choice of solvent in the extraction of Angelica archangelica roots with reference to calcium blocking activity. Planta Med . 1992;58:176-182.
- Opdyke D. Angelica root oil. Food Cosmet Toxicol . 1975;13:713.
- Blumenthal M, Brinckmann J, Goldberg A, eds. Herbal Medicine: Expanded Commission E Monographs . Newton, MA: Integrative Medicine Communications; 2000.
- Ernst E. Herbal medicinal products during pregnancy: are they safe? BJOG . 2002;109:227-235.
- Miller L. Herbal medicinals: selected clinical considerations focusing on known or potential drug-herb interactions. Arch Intern Med . 1998;158:2200-2211.
- Heck A. Potential interactions between alternative therapies and warfarin. Am J Health Syst Pharm . 2000;57:1221-1227.
- Ceska O, et al. Naturally occurring crystals of photocarcinogenic furocoumarins on the surface of parsnip roots sold as food. Experientia . 1986;42:1302-1304.
Copyright © 2009 Wolters Kluwer Health
Angelica archangelica (Apiaceae)
Activity: Pesticide, Perfumery, FLavor, Antibacterial, Antiinflammatory, Cancer-Preventive, Fungicide, Calcium-Antagonist, Antispasmodic, Insectifuge, Antioxidant, Antiseptic, Irritant, Sedative, Antiviral, Antitumor, Antiulcer, Antimutagenic, Analgesic, Insecticide, Antifeedant, Hepatoprotective, Allergenic, Herbicide, Antihistaminic, Aldose-Reductase-Inhibitor, Nematicide, Cytotoxic, Antistaphylococcic, Expectorant, Antimitotic, Candidicide, Antiedemic, Myorelaxant, Antiacetylcholinesterase, Hypotensive, Antitumor-Promoter, Lipolytic, Antiasthmatic, Allelochemic, Choleretic, Anticonvulsant, Phototoxic, Antiproliferant, Antiprostaglandin, Antiacne, Vulnerary, Hypocholesterolemic, Antipsoriac, Diuretic, Antiflu, Acaricide, Artemicide, Antidepressant, Antinociceptive, Antialopecic, 5-Alpha-Reductase-Inhibitor, CNS-Depressant, Mutagenic, Antinitrosaminic, …
Angelica archangelica (Apiaceae)
Common names:
Activities: 460 Chemicals w/Activities: 237 Chemicals: 519
OSTHOL eo 530
Leung, A. Y. and Foster, S. 1995. Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients 2nd Ed. John Wiley & Sons, New York. 649 pp.
Wealth of India.